Are We There Yet? Reproducing the Back Staff Navigation Tool

My Reproduction Davis Quadrant and Navigation in the 17th and 18th Centuries Detailed instructions for building an accurate Davis Quadrant (also known as a back staff) are rare and difficult to find. To create my replica back staff, I consulted several books, including “The Voyages and Works of John Davis, the Navigator” (1880) by Coote, Jane, and Wright, which Back staff in progres s . contains original diagrams and descriptions for this fascinating navigational tool. In addition, I carefully studied a number of extant examples in museum collections such as the Mariner’s Museum in Newport News, Virginia and St. Augustine Pirate & Treasure Museum. I was inspired by the elaborate design, the intricate measurements, and the potential for decorative touches such as bone inlays and decorative carving. My goal was to create a period-accurate, museum-quality, working replica. Joint and inlay detail. Sight vane detail. This repl...